The art of t’ai chi is often described as a flowing river; the fluidity, power, adaptability and softness in water are all qualities we try to emulate when practising t’ai chi. Flow is continuity without interruption from one move to another, as if reeling silk from a cocoon, there are no obvious endings or beginnings. To flow, each move must connect to the next move, which means each part of the body is attached to and moved by a part that moved just before thus initiating a smooth wave of energy through the body created by the rhythm of movement and breathing. Encouraging the energy to flow freely helps calm the mind, keeps the body supple, reduces stress and improves circulation. Tension, worry, fear, overwork, injuries as well as the weather and people around us affect the flow of energy, the qi, which is all around us, in movements, in communication, in the whole Universe. More subtly, when the personality and soul work together, we free ourselves from limitations and allow change to happen. Learning to forgive and showing compassion and love allow our energy to flow, life to flow, time to flow, change to flow, rivers to flow and consciousness to flow.